The Studio - Summer 2020 - Tagline Logo

Join us in The Studio this summer!

Each week in "The Studio" you will find a variety of activities, devotions, and other suggestions to help guide your family to nurture and encourage faith growth together, based on a new art medium. Each of the various parts are designed to be used individually throughout the week, while connecting to one another with a key verse and Bible point. These activities, lessons, devotions, etc. can be done in anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Feel free to use pieces of this packet that fit best with your family’s schedule.

The Studio - Series Overview

Each weekly lesson in The Studio is based on a different medium for creating art. We hope your family enjoys your summer together and pray that God will continue to work through you as you nurture the faith that is growing in each of your children’s hearts!

The Studio - Week 1 : Clay

With clay and a little imagination, we can mold a great many things. Families will learn that God created the universe and everything in it in just 6 days. (Genesis 1:1-27)

Week 2 - Finger Paint

Finger painting can get really messy, but that’s half the fun in creating wonderful artwork. Families will learn that as we trust God in our “messy” situations, He will turn them into something wonderful. (Daniel 6:10-23)

Week 3 - Popsicle Sticks

You can build lots of interesting projects with Popsicle sticks. This week families will learn that if we want to go far, we need to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Week 4 - Coloring

When we color, most of us try to stay inside the lines. Families will learn that Jesus didn’t always “stay in the lines” of what people expected of Him. (Matthew 12:1-14)

Week 5 - Collage

In collage, we take pictures and words from different places and put them together in a new and interesting way. Families will learn that although each of us is different, Jesus has put us together as one in the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-18)

Week 6 - Paper Folding

With some creativity, even something as simple as a piece of paper can be turned into something amazing. Families will learn with God’s help, even the simplest things can be used to do big things. (1 Samuel  17:32-50)