The work of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School is funded by the offerings of God’s people who faithfully give to the work of our ministry. Without your generous and sacrificial gifts to Immanuel’s General Fund, we would not be able to do all the amazing work God has given to us to do to draw more and more people closer to Christ.
Through Simply Giving, your offerings are given through a preauthorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency of your automatic gift-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly-the option is yours. You can specify that your offering go the the General Fund and the Building Fund. It is a confidential program that operates at no cost to you. Simply Giving eliminate the hassles of check writing and offering envelopes.
Immanuel benefits from steady, more predictable offerings throughout the year, more efficient bookkeeping, and greater confidence in meeting its financial commitments. For a form to fill out to begin click here: Simply Giving. For more information, please contact the church office.
Immanuel’s Foundation Fund was established in 1982 to provide long term financial stability to our church and school. The Foundation Fund has been established for the maintenance or construction of church properties, or the acquisition of additional real estate, or for the promotion of Immanuel’s ministry. Gifts to the Foundation Fund can be placed in the offering baskets or directed to the church office.
If you are trying to determine where your special gifts should be directed as you remember a loved one who has died or wish to celebrate a significant milestone in your life, we encourage you to consider our church and school’s General Fund-every day this fund is used to do the work of ministry here at Immanuel. Other funds to consider are the Day School Financial Aid Fund, the Building Fund to fund our building programs, and the Foundation Fund.